Shipping Free for +$35 order


How long does it take for my order to be delivered?

We typically ship within 5 working days of receiving your order and the transportation time takes usually about 5 working days depending on shipping situation, carrier and destination. Please note it may vary depending on our shipping situation so please contact us if you have any questions about delivery.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs vary by the products. Please check Shopping Guide for details.

Will I receive a tracking number for my order?

You will receive a tracking number when we ship the products, which usually takes 5 working days. Please contact if you don't receive any information after expected shipping schedule.

Which shipping carriers do you use?

We use either DHL, UPS or EMS depending on the products you choose.

How do you handle shipping delays?

Unfortunately, shipping delays may happen from time to time and they are out of our control. If you have not received your order even after your delivery window had passed, please contact us and we will track down your package for you.

Is there any compensation for damaged or lost items during shipping?

We will consider the exchange in the event that the products you received are incorrect, damaged, soiled or may be defective, but please email us at within 7 calendar days from the date of delivery providing as much detail as possible as to the reasons so we can review.

Who is responsible for customs duties and import taxes?

International orders may be subject to customs and duties fees upon arrival in your country. Customs, import taxes or any other fees related to import for the items are the responsibility of the customer. If you are not sure whether your order will clear customs or how much the tariff would be, please contact an appropriate agency in your country before you place an order.

Please tell me the procedure for returns and exchanges.

We will consider the exchange in the event that the products you received are incorrect, damaged, soiled or may be defective, but please email us at within 5 calendar days from the date of delivery providing as much detail as possible as to the reasons so we can review.

Is there a deadline for returns and exchanges?

No returns nor exchanges will be accepted other than correction of errors. Please check Shopping Guide for details.

How do you handle items that arrive in the wrong size or color?

If you receive a product that is different from what you ordered, please contact us at within 5 calendar days from the date of delivery providing as much detail as possible. After our review, we will send you correct products that you ordered at our expenses.

What payment methods are available?

We accept payment by credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shop Pay and PayPal. Please check Shopping Guide for details.

Can I cancel or change my order?

Unfortunately we cannot accept cancellation after your placement of order, so please make sure all information is correct before you proceed with the final purchase.

What is your privacy policy?

Please check Privacy Policy for details.

Do you ship to countries outside the United States?

Currently, we only ship within the USA. If you would like to receive outside the USA, please email us at

How can I receive promotions and discount information?

Please check our hopemage and instagram, and we will keep you updated as much as possible.

How can I contact customer support?

Please contact at

Do you offer subscription services?

Currently we do not offer subscription services but we will continuely pursue the opportunity to maximize customer satisfaction.